A Place To Call Your Medical Home

Our mission at Life Medical Clinic is to create an innovative medical home that will change a life. We are committed to promoting the health and well-being of our community, by providing accessible, compassionate, excellent quality care, in a collaborative environment.


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Check out our Facebook page for more updates.

Big news! We’ve partnered with

CareOpinion Canada to give our patients a voice.

We invite you to share recent or past stories about your experience with us. Including the positive ones and areas we could be better. Visit


Need to book a lab appointment?

You can now book and manage your appointments online.

Our Physicians

Dr. Joseph Ojedokun

Not Accepting New Patients

Family Physician
Dr. Jane Ojedokun

Not Accepting New Patients

Family Physician, Obstetric Care
Dr. R. Basson

Accepting Obstetrical Patients

Family Physician, Obstetric Care
Dr. N. Uzodike (Dr. Uzo)

Accepting New Patients

Family Physician, Obstetric Care,
Dr. N. Aneke

Accepting Obstetrical Patients

Family Physician, Obstetric Care
Dr. A. Oteghekpen (Dr. Anita)

Not Accepting New Patients

Family Physician
Dr. O. Oteghekpen ( Dr. Tesh)

Not Accepting New Patients

Family Physician

No Show Policy

We require 2 hours notice in order to cancel an appointment. This is so that someone else can be booked in this place. 

Patients not showing up for appointments significantly increases wait times to see physicians and our alternate care providers. 

Regular Appointment Fee: $20

Extended Appointments: $50

(Procedures, Medical Clearance, Mental Health)

These patients will not be rescheduled until this fee is paid.

We offer multiple options to cancel your appointment such as using the cancel appointment option on the reminder text/email that you receive confirming your appointment, calling and leaving a message on our 24 hour cancellation line at extension 1, or calling or dropping in to speak to reception.

Cancellation with less than 2 hours’ notice will be considered a no show as we may not be able to accommodate another patient in this time frame.

Life Medical Clinic

Our clinic strives to listen and work toward what matters to you.

Patient Quick Links

New Patient Intake Form

To speed up your first appointment, please print and complete the New Patient Intake form prior to your clinic visit.

Virtual Consent

If you have asked us to provide information or virtual appointment links through email, please complete this consent form.